Monday, September 13, 2010

the vma's

the vma's were sunday and they were amazing. you know the vma's? they are on mtv. they used to play music..... konyay is soooo stupid. well im pretty sure we all know what happened last year. a nice sweet little taytay swift trying to win a vma and out came kanye west and totally disrespected my gurl. "byonce rules yaehhhh henisee whatwhat. PIECE OUT...." so all year ive hated him. well turns out taylor was more hurt then i thought. she came outthey playedthe clip and she sang the most deep song that was kindaf a back handed insult..........heres a lil peice right here, "i gueeeesss 32 is still growing uuuuuupppp." i love her. buttt this wasnt over yet. count chocula over here performs a song that goes like this, "LETS HAVE A TOAST FOR THE DOUCHEBAGS, A TOAST FOR THE ASSHOOOLEEES, TOAST TO THE SKUNKBAGS AND A TOAST FOR THE JERKOFFFS." do i really even need to comment on this.

LADY GAGA IS MY IDOL. lady gaga was wareing a dress made out of raw meat and peta is getting all pissed of about it. SCREW PETA. i got to see CHER waring her TURN BACK TIME OUTFIT, give VIDEO OF THE YEAR to LADY GAGA who was waring an outfit made ENTIRLY MADE OF COW MEAT.i saw this and it was a religous experiance.

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