Friday, September 17, 2010


oh.em.gee. today at school my science partner,bitchtits was talking to her friend ,fattits, she said that she lost her virginity last 5times. i couldnt contain myself "you do know dry humping doesnt count as sex" i said i hate this girl and was hoping for something like this to happen. "shuttup mark! it was full on naked intercourse." the thought of this pimpley fat black girl getting it on with some scrawny mexican dude made dry heave. "how old are are you?" said fattits."14" "cool i lost my virginity at 12" said fattits........what.a.slut. "hahahah yeaaaaa righhhhtt. as if anyone would want to tap yur ass." she ignored me. "and on halloween me and my boyfreind of 3 weeks are gonna........" she whispered something in f.t.'s ear. "WHOOOAAA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ARE REALLY YOUNG FOR THAT!" i imeadiatly knew that b.t. was planning on haveing a mexican african american baby with her bootycall partener. WHAT.THE.HELLS. i didnt know what to do with my self. i mean HOLY BIRTH CANAL! 3 weeks is where you kiss the other person on the cheek. not go all the way! unless you are heavely intoxicated and the girl is really cute and young and said she was infertile. "you should wait till your 15" said fattitties. i socleverly said "yea, then you can be on teen mom" seriously what in the world.didnt i have a whole rant on why having kids should be illegal? if i ever have kids ill only have 2 and name 1 RAZZLE and 1 DAZZLE!

yesturday we had a school assembly. the hallways were crowded. fattits and one of her freind wer kinda near me i hadnt even seen her until she said to her freind"ewwwwww! here get between me and that" she says the most hurtful things and stares directly at me. i was done. that was the straw THAT BROKE THE CAMELTOES BACK! "really bitch? i was not even talking to you. what is your problem bitch. i dont care how many detentions i get, i am done. youare not a nice person! its not like i was all up on your ass,which beleive me it hard to get around. im as done with you as i am a 5 dalla ho. you bitch.!" veins were popping out of my neck. the whole time she was flipping my off. my freind yelled "ALLRIGHT MARK!" about 10 seconds later fat tits decided she wants to play and came up wih this original one. "at least im not a faggot like you!" now i was pissed "REALLY BITCH? your gonna bring that into this you fat whore! seriously go eat a carrot.

that was my week!:):):):)

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