Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sexaddiction, no u jst need to keep yur pants on

My opinion on the whoollee tiger woods jessejames thing is that they jst should have kept their pants on. really jesse..... u cheated on SANDRA BULLOCK with Nazi Stripper Bombshell McGee! What the Hell? seriously itslike he doesnt even care. like even if the 2 of them get back together Sandra's never gonna forget the Nazi Strippper. "Jesse, take the trash out!" "But Sandra u said u were gonna do that today." "Well u said u were gonna b faithfull but look what happend! so take out the DANG TRASH!".....c

Tiger is a TOTAL JERK! Like i get that he was tired of elin's stupid Switzerland accent but when u go screwing every girl in the northern hemisphere im gonna start asking questions. like dude, whats with the red polo. i would have goten it if he'd done with 1 or 2 or 4 different girls tops. but really he's done it with like 100. seriously there is a tiger woods video game about him doing it with a bunch of different girls thats rediculous! so here's what i think should happen....Sandra and Elin should get married and move to Austin TX and live happily ever after.

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