Tuesday, September 28, 2010


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Friday, September 17, 2010


oh.em.gee. today at school my science partner,bitchtits was talking to her friend ,fattits, she said that she lost her virginity last summer............like 5times. i couldnt contain myself "you do know dry humping doesnt count as sex" i said i hate this girl and was hoping for something like this to happen. "shuttup mark! it was full on naked intercourse." the thought of this pimpley fat black girl getting it on with some scrawny mexican dude made dry heave. "how old are are you?" said fattits."14" "cool i lost my virginity at 12" said fattits........what.a.slut. "hahahah yeaaaaa righhhhtt. as if anyone would want to tap yur ass." she ignored me. "and on halloween me and my boyfreind of 3 weeks are gonna........" she whispered something in f.t.'s ear. "WHOOOAAA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ARE REALLY YOUNG FOR THAT!" i imeadiatly knew that b.t. was planning on haveing a mexican african american baby with her bootycall partener. WHAT.THE.HELLS. i didnt know what to do with my self. i mean HOLY BIRTH CANAL! 3 weeks is where you kiss the other person on the cheek. not go all the way! unless you are heavely intoxicated and the girl is really cute and young and said she was infertile. "you should wait till your 15" said fattitties. i socleverly said "yea, then you can be on teen mom" seriously what in the world.didnt i have a whole rant on why having kids should be illegal? if i ever have kids ill only have 2 and name 1 RAZZLE and 1 DAZZLE!

yesturday we had a school assembly. the hallways were crowded. fattits and one of her freind wer kinda near me i hadnt even seen her until she said to her freind"ewwwwww! here get between me and that" she says the most hurtful things and stares directly at me. i was done. that was the straw THAT BROKE THE CAMELTOES BACK! "really bitch? i was not even talking to you. what is your problem bitch. i dont care how many detentions i get, i am done. youare not a nice person! its not like i was all up on your ass,which beleive me it hard to get around. im as done with you as i am a 5 dalla ho. you bitch.!" veins were popping out of my neck. the whole time she was flipping my off. my freind yelled "ALLRIGHT MARK!" about 10 seconds later fat tits decided she wants to play and came up wih this original one. "at least im not a faggot like you!" now i was pissed "REALLY BITCH? your gonna bring that into this you fat whore! seriously go eat a carrot.

that was my week!:):):):)

Monday, September 13, 2010

the vma's

the vma's were sunday and they were amazing. you know the vma's? they are on mtv. they used to play music..... konyay is soooo stupid. well im pretty sure we all know what happened last year. a nice sweet little taytay swift trying to win a vma and out came kanye west and totally disrespected my gurl. "byonce rules yaehhhh henisee whatwhat. PIECE OUT...." so all year ive hated him. well turns out taylor was more hurt then i thought. she came outthey playedthe clip and she sang the most deep song that was kindaf a back handed insult..........heres a lil peice right here, "i gueeeesss 32 is still growing uuuuuupppp." i love her. buttt this wasnt over yet. count chocula over here performs a song that goes like this, "LETS HAVE A TOAST FOR THE DOUCHEBAGS, A TOAST FOR THE ASSHOOOLEEES, TOAST TO THE SKUNKBAGS AND A TOAST FOR THE JERKOFFFS." do i really even need to comment on this.

LADY GAGA IS MY IDOL. lady gaga was wareing a dress made out of raw meat and peta is getting all pissed of about it. SCREW PETA. i got to see CHER waring her TURN BACK TIME OUTFIT, give VIDEO OF THE YEAR to LADY GAGA who was waring an outfit made ENTIRLY MADE OF COW MEAT.i saw this and it was a religous experiance.

Friday, September 10, 2010


seriously abigail we havent talked to eachother since may! its september! if your reading this..............................................................WHAWHAWHAWHHAAASSSSUUUPP?????????? FUREALSIES! get with the times gurl! geta facebook. we can be freinds on facebook! we could be neighbors on farmville OR BE IN THE SAME GANG ON MOBSTERS. LETS HANG

SYDNEYYYYYYYY! WE NEED TO HANG OUT ALSO. werent we gonna make a lady gaga music video like 2 months ago? we need to hang out.

hey amanda! YUR A FAT LARD NAMED TREY! HAHAHAHA jk we should hang out too this is REDIK! we are catholic socialists and need to socialize as such if we are ever going to be taken seriously...........:)

im writing a book......its uncensered. its about st paul and how redicoulous it was. now i dont have the perfect memory and cant quite remember all of the conversations i had with freinds so i had to improvise alittle. but all the fights........... i can remember exacatacaly.

know i doubt anyone is going to read this be cause ive stopped blogging as much but thats because of the book! it will outsell like.....................................................the bible......or even twilight.

this show is stupid. i cannot believe people from NEW JERSEY are getting so much attention. the only person who is actually talented and came from jersey is chelsea handler ok. and a show about hair. hair salons shouldnt be legal in jersey. have you ever seen a girl say " OMG you guys there is this new salon that ive been dieing to goto!" "WHY!!!!" "ITS RUN NEW JERSEYIANS!!!!!!!!!!" "OMG LETS GOOOOO!" yea i jst dont get the obbsession with people with hair that looks like they have a brain tumer the size of a watermelon and i sure as hell dont know why people want to look like that. just think in 50 years when we show our grandkids our yearbooks there gonna say " y do you have a tumor on your head,whats with the lifting of your shirt and showing of your 12 pack, y do yur nails look like eward sissor hands, and why does it look like you roled around in nacho cheese doritos."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

immabe bebebe

immab a movie star immab a movie star hahahah. yes yours truely had an audition with a talent agency and pretty much friggin nailed it. after we got the call back we found out that im going to goto orlando florida to tryout again! if i get accepted..........ima b on tttv imabe on the next level! imabe bebebebebe! lets see ms brady are you going to be in a movie any time soon....no? huh. hayden are you gonna be on tv shows.......no? huh. jonah how bout you? no? huh. how peculiar...................

the new school year has started...unfortunately. every school has their douchebags and ive met this schools perfect guys for the job.
his name is dylan. he is like the devils son or worse hes like the tmz guy. he insists on making my school year horrible. he thinks im gay. yes i understand that sometimes i can come off a little faggy but thats just the way i am. i love gay people. i want them to be able to get married, and have little babies together. but this i really mean and pissing me off. a little teasing i could handle but this is insesant. i did nothing to this asshole and yet he still feels like bashing me. remember when "ROSS AND RACHELLL" (hayden and jonah) went to far. jonah got his head banged so hard on the wall pictures on theother side fell off.....and i didnt evn get in trouble. so if this little asshole is mean to me one more time i dont know what ill do.... mayb i can get kevin to beat him up for me. well now hes gotten his little mexican freind PACO to do it with him. paco is on the football team.....really....someone on the football team is calling me gay? so letme get this straight.....a guy, who is on a team where you dress up in tight spandex and chase aroung other muscely guys in spandex and then tackling them at ther butt section from behind.....is calling.......meeeee......gayyyy? oyea im the flaming homosexual in this situation. when i confronted paco and asked why them and the whole school thinks im gay here was his resp0onse "well 1 your voice is really high pitched. 2 you eat chicken sandwiches for lunch and 3 you ware flipflops"

the following paragraph may contain language unsuitable for young children under the age of 12. READER DESCRESSION IS ADVISED.
i am in noway racist towards mexicans. but im going to use whtever i can to hurt your feelings if cross me.
so yea they are real winners.