Monday, June 21, 2010

what is "rap" anyway????

uhhh i heard a rap song earlier today......all RAP is is saying what yur doing really fast. look im gonna write a rap right now off the top of my head.

so yo im sitting here eatin' a pear writtin' on my blog thing that a write on ev-er-ee DAY. writtings hard so i get up to go take a piss so i can make my head clear then when im eating my pear i realize DAT all rap is,is someone sayin what der doin in in a reallay fast way and addin some xtera sillaBAllS and makin some sexual prefrences and making fun homoSEXuals! yea,yea,yea,BITCHES!!!!!!! ASS,METH YO,CRACK.......WORDDD!

now imagine a beat,naked girls,it raining money,me sporting a golden "grill" while leaning against a lambrogini and ive got myself a VMA! :)

i think my favorite reality tv star is SNOOKIE!!!!! i want her to b my girl....HAHAAH jk shes cool and everything but ifeel like if i was in the same building as her i would catch like 4 STDS. uknow what that stands for right? STUPIDEST TAN DISEASE. (she has like 9) yea when i fist saw her i was like "WHAT THE CRAP! she has a giant tumor on her head but every guy in the club is making out with her!" i later found out that the tumor on her head......yea that was just her bump it.

ok my mom jst told me to take the trash out to the curb cuz of trash day. well i was out there for like 5 mins and i came back in and she was like "did u take the trash out to the cuuurrb???" iwas like "mmmmm no i jst went out there and stared at the cans and thought hahah screw her im not takin the trash out." godbless that woman. gottaluvher

the ONLY THING i miss about school is having arguments with ms joe jonas and ross and racchell! have i talked about the time i banged racchells head agains the wall. i was tellin this joke to everyone like if i went to a guy and was like "are u gay or a lesbian" and if he said lebian he was straight! get it? haha anywho well i said this to racchell and he was like "*sigh* being gay is a sin and if u ever read the bible ud know that ur sinning right now."
1st reaction: AWWW HEYLL NAW!!
2nd reaction: this homophobic MOFO did not jst say that!
3rd reaction: *turns to friends and mouths "REALLY?"*
4th reaction: AWWWWWWW HEYLLLLL NAAWWW!!!!!!!
jst so u know the amount of force and anger i applyed to it,pictures on the other side of the wall fell to the ground. i have nothing against gay people n fact i think they r awesome. i jst hate it when people talk sh*t about me. well i didnt get n trouble......he did!

the song of the day *drumroll*.......TAKE IT OFF BY KE$HA!!!

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