Sunday, February 13, 2011


This is an emergency blog. Sit down. Seriously your gonna die. SIT DOWN.

Lady GaGa....didn't win album of the year. I'M GOING TO CUT SOMEBODY. I'm soooooooo pissed. She wasn't even beat by an actual band! Guess who won. Arcade Fire. ARE YOU SHANKING KIDDING ME? Arcade Fire! O.K. if Eminem or Justin Bieber, or even friggin Katy Perry had won, I would be o.k. BUT ARCADE FIRE?????I feel like punching someone in the ear. What the Hell? Where is Kanye West when you need him?!

I'm seriously about to cry. Lady GaGa is perfection. Arcade Fire is a trashy garage band. Like who actually listens to A.F.? I Know....Emo people while they write poems about Native American oppression.

We have to do something. Lady Gaga is probably crying to herself in the Staples Center's restroom and thinking "What did I do wrong!?" We need to write Hate Mail to the acadamy or something. We need to help Mother Monster.

I'm not a Hater. This is JUST WRONG. Like who actually thinks Arcade Fire is better then LADY GAGA? Nobody. Whoever it was who made this decision for arcade fire to win was insane and needs to be labotamized..............Shutter Island style.

I'm grieving for the rest of the week.

Lady GaGa... If your reading this....we'll gettem next year.

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