Thursday, February 17, 2011

Quick One.

O.k. I'm posting this from computer class. I know you want to hear about O.J. and I will have that post on friday, but there is somebody in my class, who just ate paper......and is making noises like a billygoat.

I hate to be the one to make fun of the wierd kid who most likely, is autistic, but he just ate paper. He sits next to me and he gets "frustraited"........for generally everything. He goes berserkbananas when he...."get's frustraited". I try to be nice because then when he snaps and shoots up the school, he will remember how nice I was, and spare my life. He seriously scares me. Clearly he needs to be under pshyciatric supervision. I'm thinking about having a sit down with him and giving it to him straight. "Listen Forrest," I would say "I get your angry but you just threw a computer across the room and ate a sheet of paper. I asked Dr. Phil and he said you need Xanax.....and Valium......and Vicodine. He's super smart which scares me even more. He could be orchastrating a bomb attack that will take place at the school, for all I know. Help me.

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