Saturday, October 9, 2010

pappa papparazzi

yesturday in science i learned that honey was the only food that doesnt go bad is honey. then i said "what about twinkies" and everybody laughed.

i think its sad when papparazzi make up stories about people. if i was lindsey lohan, id kick the TMZ guy's butt. but seriously i think its sad when celebs get a rep because of a lie. im one to talk, but i dont talk crap. i speak my mind. i dont lie. i mean i have an audition for tv shows in orlando in december, and i could get famous like lindsey. one minute i could be happy go lucky teen and the next i could be in a club drinking and partying, with things coming out of different orphaces. its sad really. why do only bad stories go out into the tabloids? thats the problem today. no one likes to hear anything positive! its horrible. im jst really sad about it. i thought i should just comment on that.

i did alot today. i mopped. i vaccumed. i cleaned my room. i took out the trash. i cleaned the trashcan. i also put dwn carpet! i feel really occomplished. i feel good but im about to pass out.

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