Wednesday, October 27, 2010

high expectations

I raised my expectations today.

Every now and then I get these crazy ideas that I am going to get friggin' ripped. Like jesus ripped. You see I have have rolls. No not Hawaiian sweet rolls. big fat gross nasty jellybelly rolls. I know what you are thinking. Gross. Me too. Im dry heaving.

I get ideas that I am going to healthy, eating red bull and nutri-grain bars for breakfast and running 10 miles at 4 in the morning. Week later, Still fat.

Today I ran untill I was about to have a stroke.

So here I am jogging tuned in to my own little world of Ke$ha lip syncing having the time of my life, when exaution hit me like a brick wall. so I went inside expecting everyone inside to see me sweating and my face burning red and say "you must've worked so hard!" NOPE.

I go to take a shower and I play with my hair for a minute thinking "HAHA i look like a boy KE$HA!" i take my shirt off, expecting JESUS ABS, annnnd BAM I have a beer gut and shadows under my nipples. F my life.

long story short, dont raise your expectations.

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