Thursday, May 27, 2010

Whitney Poe:)

whitney Poe is soooooo cool!! she likes gymnastics, she remembers where she was when MJ died, and hates the JoBros!!! she loves justin bieber and wishes ALL of her friends lived on the same street as her. if she gets bored in class she goes to the restroom to get away of the bordy board boardomness! she gets creeped out when the old guy from the 6 flags comercial tells her "come and ride my rollercoaster." shes in the 8th grade and soon a freshman in highschoooolll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sooooo we went bowling today on a field trip and it was really fuunnn! i got arranged into a good group but a teacher made me go from a great group. to a group that might as well been a piece of elephant shadoobee. it was mee Ross&Racchelll,ADHD, and another kid........... went from awsome group ->nice group ->good group ->ELEPHANT SHADOOBEE. butt i still had tons of fun!!
i hardly tried...bowled a 30....yea i hanged with my reall freinds that were n the lane nxt to us. there was music baring and me and my friends were dancing and singing along to them (BABYBABYBABY NOOOOOOO) yea my throat hurts from yelling and singing. Ms.joe jonas was trying to dance and i was laughing really hard.
well im xcited to turn 21 and b able to drink and go to like a club or somthing w/ my friends.

these people r so funny. they do a "vlog" everyday and r awsome! its so great and u need to watch it.

also this is really funny too. so u have to watch it! this one.....

tomorrow is 1/2 day of school & the last day till SUMMA VAY K!!!!!!!!!!! im done with this year. the teachers Ross&Racchell. that was horrible. but i probably made some of the best friends i will ever have. i love them so much and i will miss them really baddddddd. i love them and we r gonna b bffs 4 eva!

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