Sunday, April 17, 2011

My fright level: Fucking Legit.

I'm writing this on my iPhone.

So I'm scared. It's 3:44 A.M. and I'm so scared I can't sleep so I'm blogging about it.
I watched "Scream" last night and twice today.
I watched "Scream 2" and "Scream 3" tonight.

"Scream 1" is my new favorite movie but the first part with Drew Berrymore is almost too scary to watch.
And I've seen the Rebecca Black music video for "Friday"

Anyway, I'm pretty sure Ghostface is hiding in my closet right now.
Like, I don't know if I can sleep tonight.
I'm currently watching "South Park" for damage control.

I think the first "Scream" is the best. The second one was good but it wasn't nearly as amazing. The third was WAY better than the second, but the original is my favorite.
I'm dying to see the fourth.
Critics are saying it's as good as the first one.
I hope so!! I want to see it so friggin' bad.
Like with a passion.

I think I have an addiction.
A "Scream" addiction.
I love feeling the adrenaline rush through my vains.
It's like my own personal Heroin.
I really want to see the 4th.
Hayden friggin' Panettiere is in it.

I fucking love her.

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