Wednesday, June 30, 2010

im team EDWARD! deal with it.


me and ashley went to see Eclipse today and it is like 50 times better then FRIGGEN AVATAR! it deserves like 4 acadamy awards. im on team edward but i have a feeling more people are team jacob. jacob kissed bella and everyone behind us was like "YAAAAAYY! WOOHOO! JACOB!" i heard that and turned around and was thinking "SHUDDUP BUTT OLE!" that little experiance aside....IT WAS AWESOME! dont get me rong id kill someone to look like taylor laughtner *spelling???* but still GO FRIGGIN TEAM EDWARD!

im like "i wanna b a vampire" not like count dracula obviously! but like edward cullen twilight vampire! come on think about it. like to read peoples minds would b awesome. if u threw a party u culd b like "do they really like my party??" and ud now! or c the future. "and the answers to the test r A B A A B D C AND D" id have straight a's. or controll what everybody's mood is! "oooo crap my mom's pissed at me. whatevs i can get her to b nice and forgiving to me. even get her to buy me those lady gaga tickets i want." but the probably the best one would b inflicting pain. "oooo ross and rachell u think im fat dumb and gay o well then! cant do anything 'bout that!!" *THEY FALL TO THE GROUND SCREAMING* "OMG!!??? r u like having an emotionall brakedown or seizure....... what-EVAH suxxzz to b u!"........JK! hahah im evil buuut not that evil (MAYBE) :) o yea cant forget! b extremely attractive like alll the frrriiggging timee. it would b insane. everyone would WANT ME. and if i was ever in the sun id have like diamonds all over me! aren't diamonds a girls best friend? yea i want to b a vampire.

but GOD god the guys muscles in that movie make me want to shoot someone! who needs muscles on their shoulders? taylor laugtner, lautner ,lotner or whatever it is says he ate beef patties all day to look like that.......really "jake"..........if thats what u did id have mucsles 3 times the size of yur FACEEEE! that effin amdominal section hes got going on there does not say he ate cheeseburgers all day. whoever his trainer is...i need that stinking trainer. ive got a depressing gut going on so yea i need to do somthing bout that. god i wish i was robert pattinson.


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