Tuesday, October 5, 2010


during 1st period art today, i had to take a giant, shadoobee. like a big one. like a "OMYGOD IM ABOUT TO SHIT MY PANTS IF I DPNT GET TO A TOILET NOW." well i said to the teacher," can i go to the restroom please?" well he was all like "NO" an i was like "dude its an emergency" "no!" he said. "PLEASE!" "NO" fuck it. here is what i wanted to say "fuck U! i have to take a shit!!! i walked out and took agiant dump in the toilet for 10 minits. i came back and he took me out into the hallway and he said "why did you not go before class?" "i didnt have to go. i cant magically make poop appear. im sorry" "GO TO THE OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "k? what do u want me to tell them?" "JUST GO" "ok"
i went and the VICE PRINCIBLE said i shouldnt have been sent down there but he still gave me lunch detention......................FML

Rihanna is a stupid face. the singer. yea i said it. she said on a radio show her music is more original then katy perry, KE$HA AND................................LADY GAGA. rihanna, YOU ARE A BITCH. your newest single sounds like a screaming bitchy 100 year old homophobic nun. so stupid. "IMA THA ONLA GRLA NA WARRRRRL." thats yur song? yur stupid SKEREWA YOUA! ok yea ik you couldve written california gurls, but you didn't. and i couldve written tick tock, and your love is my drug and take it off based on my own experiances, but i didnt. BUT LADY GAGA IS COMPLETELY OFF-FRIGGIN-LIMITS! lady gaga is THE most original artist in the world right now. i am in LOVE with her. katy perry's thing was forgivable. but this............i cant even look at you. if i ever see you talking bad about 3 of my favorite people again....i will buy you a kitty cat, let you begin to love it, then i will break into your house in the middle of the night when your sleeping, and punch you in the face.

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