Wednesday, October 6, 2010

the adventures of writing

blogging is super hard and lame. i basically have to wait for something rediculous to happen at school or a celebrity i hate to do something retarded or my fav celebrity to do something amazing. and only now and then i get a post that is actually amazing. and that is hard considering i have daily outbursts of A.D.H.D. mixed in with a splash of O.C.D. its getting parettay bad. even as i.........oooo shiney metal..............anyway even as i write this i question whether or not this should actually posted.

ANYWAY this is what i go through as a blogger when blogging and...stuff.

1. hmm thats hilarious! im gonna blog about that!
2. OK! im home from school so now im gonna blog about it!
3. *as im writing* HAHA this is gonna be my best post ever!
4. ooooo a fly
5. i wanna watch youtube
6. ooooo chris crocker you are a card!
7. oops im supposed to be blogging!
8. ok im done now i will read for mistakes
9. hmmmm its not as funny as id hoped....ill just write you had to be there!
10. wait if you have to say you had to be there after a story, you failed epically!
12. whatever ill just rip on bitchtits and her manboobs


im still looking for donations to the applecross. only you can help me get my macbook pro! i can almost see it. ive been haveing dreams about it. its in my hands and when im about to open fades into the darkness. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HELP ME!

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