Monday, May 16, 2011

Sexual Healing

Yes, my children.

It is that time.
Time for Sex Ed.
It's dreaded by many of us humans.
Even by some parents.
But guess who isn't?
Al Pachino

Yeah, in fact, he couldn't stop talking about it.

Even before this class started a week ago, he couldn't wait to tell the whole school about his adventures with the nether regions of the female anatomy.
He is such a disgrace to the male community.

Boys like me, spend years building up our reputation, and then pervy vampires, such as Al Pachino, tear it down like Godzilla on Redbull and Crack.

Anyhow, it’s Sex Ed, or “Worth the Wait” week, and that means we get to say words out loud in class, without getting in trouble, such as vagina, and Uterus, and ejaculate and PENIS.

Yes, PENIS. Deal with it. It’s gross but in Sex Ed. it is said about 84 times per class. Or as I like to call these classes “Mind Rapes” Or “Mind Molestations”


Did that make you uncomfortable?
It sure made me feel uncomfortable.

Now try listening to those words spew out of your science teacher’s mouth at 62 miles per hour.
To make matters worse, he puts drawings up on the board.
They are very detailed, and very gross.

The whole time I’m in that class, I just go to my happy place, and deal with it. Also I pray a little that the icky-ness will stop soon. It’s how I would imagine being raped would be.

Minus the anal pain and the drowsiness from the roofie.

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