Sunday, May 8, 2011

Satan sent me freind request.

So Al Pachino sent me a friend request in Facebook.

I almost accepted it just to write rude things on his walls, just to make him upset. I saw the friend request and was all "Access Denied." I wish you could send little messages to the person who's freind request you're denying.

"Dear Satanic Vampire,
I am ignoring, no that's the wrong word, I'm saying "Hell no." to this request, for the following reasons:

1.) You're awful.
2.) You have had an orgasm from being public.
3.) You are a former and future convict. *I'll post about that later*
4.) You're an ass.
5.) You think Osama Bin Laden wasn't responsible for the terrible tragedies on 9/11.
6.) You're probably going to die by suicide bombing this school.
7.) You think you have Vampirism.
8.) You made up Vampirism as an excuse to enjoy killing people and then eating them.
9.) You're a homophobe.
10.) I hate you.
11.) I'm pretty sure you're the reincarnation of Hitler.
With hatred,
Mark Burrows Goodnight.

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