The TAKS Test was today. It was super easy, and I'm pretty sure I got like at least an 85.
But, it didn't go off without a hitch.
In fact, there was a disaster, right when it started.
As my teacher was telling us to break the seal, I did so...on the wrong test.
*sigh* Within the TAKS test booklet, there are two tests. In this case it was the Science Test, which we took today, and the History Test, which we are taking tomorrow. There is a little sheet with formulas, that's for the science test, and it was in between the Science and History test. I thought that BEHIND the sheet was the Science test.
As I happily broke the seal, I realized in horror, that it wasn't, in fact, the science test that I had opened; It was the history.
I was so scared, and my face showed it. My teacher rushed over and was all "What's the matter?"
Me - "Ummmm, I.....opened the....wring....*GULP*...test."
Coach Boenisch - "Oh, crap."
Me - "Yeah, I know."
Random kid - "Really, Mark?"
Me - "Why God? What is this, sarcasm?"
This was SO embarrassing.
Coach Boenisch walked over to the room phone and called the principle.
I remember thinking Oh, shit. Am I in trouble?
Here is THE REAL side of my teacher, Coach Boenicsh's, conversation with the principle.
Coach Boenisch - "Look, I don't know if I need to contact the president or what, but I have a kid, for the first time in 25 years of TAKS testing, that opened up the wrong seal......Yeah, I don't know where his brain is....Well, should I just take him out into the hall and shoot him?.......Yeah, that would be too messy.....well, do we expell him or what?.....Oh, o.k." *CLICK*
He got a piece of Scotch Tape, walked over to my desk, and taped it. If it was that easy, why don't they just keep it unsealed all the time? Seriously, what the shit is the seal used for? Is it magical? Will it be inhabited by demons without the magic seal to protect it? Will Dobby, from Harry Potter start secretly living in there, until its opened on TAKS day? I think it's a very big waste of paper.
Then, after that whole debacle, I went to open the correct seal, and I ripped the page.
I neglected to tell anyone this...until now.
And speaking of waste of paper, there were pages where there was one tiny, little, question on it. Do you realize how many trees we could save if we use as much space on one piece of paper as possible, and use smaller print, on the TAKS? We could save like 1,000 trees!!!
Hey TAKS, why you gotta be so environmentally un-friendly, GIRL?
Haha I could really see this happening!!