Al Pachino, is the biggest jerk I've ever met.
He likes to call himself "Scene" which just thought of, is laughable. I
may not be "Scene" or "Gothic" or "Emo" but I know "Scene". I'm pretty sure my bff Britney is "Scene" and he is definatley not that.
He was talking about how something that would hurt a real human, didn't hurt him and I was all "Yeah well, Al Pachino, nothing hurts you because you're a freaky emo. And he was all "I'm NLT emo, assface. I'm scene."
Me - "Actually my best friend is scene and let me tell you something. You're definently not scene. Scene kids don't wear baggy jeans. Scene kids don't wear tennis shoes. They definently DO NOT cut.
Al Pachino - "You don't know ANYTHING!! *Demonic Hiss*"
He hissed at me.
That next period me and Britney were sitting in History.
Then incomes Ally hissing demonically.
Me - "Would you please shut up. The whole scary moan/hiss thing is really friggin annoying."
Al - "So are you. I hope you die and go to hell you a**hole!!"
Me - "Ditto. DI-TTO."
The whole class laughed and I felt triumphant.
*Later during class in front of teacher while studying.*
Al - "Education is retarded. All that matters is getting a drivers licsence."
Teacher - "Yeah, then you can get in your clunker am drive it to McDonalds to go flip burgers."
Al - "Yeah well, my uncle started flippin' burgers at a McDonalds and now he owns 14 diffent McDonalds."
Me - *Siigh*
Britney - "we just want to friggin study.....JERK."
Al - *Demonic Roar*
He is such friggin weirdo.
I think he's gonna shoot up the school one day.
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