Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm NOT So Raven.

The whole O.J. thing got irritating and boring so I'm done with that. On to bigger and better things.

The Oscars were pretty good, but I was wrong about everything. See below.

Category:                         My Picks:                                     Winners:
Best Actress                     Annette Bening                     Natalie Portman
Best Actor                        Jesse Eisenberg                            Colin Firth
Best Supporting Actress   Hailee Steinfeld                             Melissa Leo
Best Supporting Actor      Geoffrey Rush                              Christian Bale
Best Picture                      Black Swan, or Social Network   The Kings Speech

So clearly I'm not psychic. I got a few right. Though they were ones everyone knew were gonna win, like EVERYONE knew Toy Story 3 was gonna get best animation. That's implied.

The hosts were funny. Anne Hathaway was fricken hilarious, GAW-GES and sweet. James Franco, on the other hand, looked like he and Charlie Sheen had finished off a brick of cocaine just before the show started. Everybody is hating on my girl Anne, and it's annoying. You try hosting the biggest event on t.v., since the beginning of cussing time, in front of God and the whole world.

I hate that The King's Speech won best picture. The winner is always a stupid dumb movie that only old people care about. I wish Social Network or Toy Story 3 would have won! That would have been amazing if Toy Story 3 had won!! To be honest, I seriously thought that when they opened up the card that they were gonna say "....and the best picture is.....AVATAR!!!!!!"

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