She is so cool. She is like really funny and amazingly good at being my friend.
she has 2 blogs and they are VERY awesome. They are as awesome as Paramore, Cher, Lady Gaga, Avril Lavigne, Taylor Swift , the Dixie Chicks and Ke$ha put together. well. not that awesome. But like as awesome as an Elephant or something. And elephants are awesome.
Well Al Pacino had an orgasm on the bus.
Let me ellaborate. A girl bit him. Yeah not hit, or kissed. BIT. He got extremely turned on or something and he was telling me and Britney about it and it was awkward. Then he started complaining on how his thumb is like numb where he got bit. W.T.F.
Vampires? Yes most likely, the girl who bit him was a Vampire.
The day before he was trying to ask Britney to hang out this weekend and I got 10 feet behind him and was flailing my arms all around and jumping and mouthing "NO. NOOO. NOOOOOOOO! For the love of god say no!" She almost started laughing but managed to come up with a lie along the lines of "uhhmmm I I......I'm grounded. And my aunt shirly died and we have to cremate her and flush her down the toilet and my family has to celebrate early So...I'm...........kind of swamped.... *~*" BAHAHHAHAHAH
I learned from one of Britney's blogs that after I went off on him, Al Pacino was talking all kindsa shadoobee saying "You should've seen it. I wish he had hit me I would've killed him! bahahahah!"
-__- *sigh* Monday should be fun.
OMG. I almost forgot to say what her 2 blogs are called!
And please excuse her profile picture. It is just like a really bad pic! She is actually super pretty! hahahah. Sorry that sounded stalkerish.
Lol thanks, Mark!