She is so cool. She is like really funny and amazingly good at being my friend.
she has 2 blogs and they are VERY awesome. They are as awesome as Paramore, Cher, Lady Gaga, Avril Lavigne, Taylor Swift , the Dixie Chicks and Ke$ha put together. well. not that awesome. But like as awesome as an Elephant or something. And elephants are awesome.
Well Al Pacino had an orgasm on the bus.
Let me ellaborate. A girl bit him. Yeah not hit, or kissed. BIT. He got extremely turned on or something and he was telling me and Britney about it and it was awkward. Then he started complaining on how his thumb is like numb where he got bit. W.T.F.
Vampires? Yes most likely, the girl who bit him was a Vampire.
The day before he was trying to ask Britney to hang out this weekend and I got 10 feet behind him and was flailing my arms all around and jumping and mouthing "NO. NOOO. NOOOOOOOO! For the love of god say no!" She almost started laughing but managed to come up with a lie along the lines of "uhhmmm I I......I'm grounded. And my aunt shirly died and we have to cremate her and flush her down the toilet and my family has to celebrate early So...I'm...........kind of swamped.... *~*" BAHAHHAHAHAH
I learned from one of Britney's blogs that after I went off on him, Al Pacino was talking all kindsa shadoobee saying "You should've seen it. I wish he had hit me I would've killed him! bahahahah!"
-__- *sigh* Monday should be fun.
OMG. I almost forgot to say what her 2 blogs are called!
And please excuse her profile picture. It is just like a really bad pic! She is actually super pretty! hahahah. Sorry that sounded stalkerish.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A Mexican Gang Memeber Being mean and Teachers Cussing. O yeah and K Fed.
Sorry that I didn't post monday! I procrastinate.
I few days ago I came into to school late. by literally 2 milliseconds. Well Mr. al pacino over here decides to make it clear to the whole class...that I'm two milliseconds.
Al Pacino - "YOUR LATE!!!!!"
Me - "Your moms late."
Al Pacino - "YOUR PUBERTY'S LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
....... -_ -........ This guy is ridiculous. There were so many things I could've said. He has a scar on his face that makes me think he was recently been jumped out of a gang or just got in one. He once told me a very disturbing and graphic story about him getting laid, that was VERY involuntary. I would write about it, but it is disturbing. Anyway I thought karma would get back at him. So wierdly...I let him get away with this.
Me - "Watch it asshole."
That was unlike me. He was lucky.
Later in the period I was a lot more mad. The whole "karma" thing passed. I was pissed. I was pissed that I missed my last chance to kick some ass. I was not going to miss it the next time. He started to ask the art teacher if his clay animal sculpture could have three legs. Both me and the teacher thought that was a stupid question and I said under my breath "Stupid." Scarface decided to come up with the most original insult anyone has ever said to me.
Al Pacino - "Yeah...well...YOUR GAY."
*hehaha! oooooh he is gonna die.*
Me - "Really? Did you just call me gay right now? Really?"
Al Pacino - "yep really!"
*This angers me. Time to emo screamo this bitch.*
Me in emo/screamo voice - "OH HELLNO! REALLY? no, really. Are you seriously calling me gay right now? What the hell? You do realize I will KILL you right? Couldn't you come up with something a little bit more..mmhh idaknow...ORIGINAL!??!?Youknow what 'Al Pacino' at least I don't have a scar on my face the size of Manhatten. Back The F off and go take a shower you smelly idiot. I will elbow you in the face."
Meanwhile during my fit of rage the art teacher is screaming almost as loud as me "CALM DOWN NOW!" When I finally got all my anger out, the teacher was all like "AL PACINO TO THE OFFICE." Then he called the office and said "Hey I just sent Al Pacino to the office. Yeah he just called ANOTHER kid gay again."
He took me out into the Hallway and said LITERALLY these words.
Teacher - "*sighs* look....I'm sick of that shit too but...."
My exact face - . ______________________ .
Teacher - "DAYAUM DUUUUDE!!!!! you gatta calm down!"
*20 second later...*
Me - "ummmmmmmm...ok. Can I go to the restroom?
after he said yes I hightailed it to the restrooom. After I got done laughing, I realized I was pissed. I was pissed at Al pacino and his mafia crew and his ugly dumb face. His dumby dumby dumb dumb head. I came back to the class and the teacher asked me to go to the office to fill out some forms or something. Strange.
I get there and I am sent in a room with Al Pacino and the vp.
I should've known. It was a trap.
I sat down and I was thinking "What the heyal?" Al started saying I called him a retarded and a stinky mexican and all this bullcrap. I didn't even get to tell my side of the story but the VP was all like "Yall don't know what happened to eachother. So you can't be bullies."
Ok let me just stop this right there. There is a difference between being a BULLY and being like me. Ok? A BULLY, is somebody that insults innocent people, like me, and tries to destroy every ounce of this person's confidence to where they explode and embarrass themselves in front of a WHOLE CLASSROOM. BULLYING is where you are such an asshole, that they drive you to stand up for yourself and end up getting hurt by somebody 10x their size. BULLYING is where you turn your victims into either a battered housewife or into somebody like me. SOMEBODY LIKE ME is a person who makes smart and funny retorts against a BULLY. SOMEBODY LIKE ME is a person who has to keep explaining to neanderthals, that it IS infact possible a STRAIGHT person can think gays should have rights. SOMEBODY LIKE ME is a person who is sent to the office, detention etc, for doing something to stand up for themselves. SOMEBODY LIKE ME defends innocent people against bullies. SOMEBODY LIKE ME never NEVER makes fun of innocent people. PEOPLE LIKE ME make fun of bullies. Bullies and people like me, are COMPLETE opposites.
I was forced to shake the jerk's hand, and say freaking sorry. I left the room steaming. I literallly went around the other side of the school as not to come in contact with Al Pacino. This was a sad day for people like me.
Later in the day,it turns out Mr. Pacino decided to tell K Fed about this. HIS version. HIS STUPID version. I was walking down the stairs on my way to my next class. For some reason the hallway was empty. As if it were an old western showdown. I hear K Feds blackccent say to me "Mess with my boy again, and you won' be able to mess with another person again." A tumbleweed crossed inbetween us.
Me - *turns around viciously.* Excuse me?"
K Fed - "You heard me bitch."
I actually do call him K Fed. Not just in the blog.
Me - "O.k. You don't know me so I am going to give you one chance to turn around and go the opposite direction."
K Fed - "I ain't scared."
Me - "Listen up K Fed. You have NO right to fuck with me. I have never done anything to you. You do not know the whole story. Even if you did you probably wouldn't even understand it, do to the fact that you have the IQ of Hitler. Your 'BOY' was the one messing with me. He is as big an asshole as your prison record. BACK OFF and goodbye. oh, and by the way K Fed, drop the blackccent. You live in friggin Azle Tx. Not Brooklyn."
K Fed - " Yea well y-"
Me - "Shut up bastard."
He is fricken scary as that Mel Gison audiotape, so I had a mini-seizure when I turned around.
Kevin Constien can you come to school with me so you can be like my bodyguard. I could really use a 6ft tall dude with muscles the size of Alaska on my side the rest if the year.
I few days ago I came into to school late. by literally 2 milliseconds. Well Mr. al pacino over here decides to make it clear to the whole class...that I'm two milliseconds.
Al Pacino - "YOUR LATE!!!!!"
Me - "Your moms late."
Al Pacino - "YOUR PUBERTY'S LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
....... -_ -........ This guy is ridiculous. There were so many things I could've said. He has a scar on his face that makes me think he was recently been jumped out of a gang or just got in one. He once told me a very disturbing and graphic story about him getting laid, that was VERY involuntary. I would write about it, but it is disturbing. Anyway I thought karma would get back at him. So wierdly...I let him get away with this.
Me - "Watch it asshole."
That was unlike me. He was lucky.
Later in the period I was a lot more mad. The whole "karma" thing passed. I was pissed. I was pissed that I missed my last chance to kick some ass. I was not going to miss it the next time. He started to ask the art teacher if his clay animal sculpture could have three legs. Both me and the teacher thought that was a stupid question and I said under my breath "Stupid." Scarface decided to come up with the most original insult anyone has ever said to me.
Al Pacino - "Yeah...well...YOUR GAY."
*hehaha! oooooh he is gonna die.*
Me - "Really? Did you just call me gay right now? Really?"
Al Pacino - "yep really!"
*This angers me. Time to emo screamo this bitch.*
Me in emo/screamo voice - "OH HELLNO! REALLY? no, really. Are you seriously calling me gay right now? What the hell? You do realize I will KILL you right? Couldn't you come up with something a little bit more..mmhh idaknow...ORIGINAL!??!?Youknow what 'Al Pacino' at least I don't have a scar on my face the size of Manhatten. Back The F off and go take a shower you smelly idiot. I will elbow you in the face."
Meanwhile during my fit of rage the art teacher is screaming almost as loud as me "CALM DOWN NOW!" When I finally got all my anger out, the teacher was all like "AL PACINO TO THE OFFICE." Then he called the office and said "Hey I just sent Al Pacino to the office. Yeah he just called ANOTHER kid gay again."
He took me out into the Hallway and said LITERALLY these words.
Teacher - "*sighs* look....I'm sick of that shit too but...."
My exact face - . ______________________ .
Teacher - "DAYAUM DUUUUDE!!!!! you gatta calm down!"
*20 second later...*
Me - "ummmmmmmm...ok. Can I go to the restroom?
after he said yes I hightailed it to the restrooom. After I got done laughing, I realized I was pissed. I was pissed at Al pacino and his mafia crew and his ugly dumb face. His dumby dumby dumb dumb head. I came back to the class and the teacher asked me to go to the office to fill out some forms or something. Strange.
I get there and I am sent in a room with Al Pacino and the vp.
I should've known. It was a trap.
I sat down and I was thinking "What the heyal?" Al started saying I called him a retarded and a stinky mexican and all this bullcrap. I didn't even get to tell my side of the story but the VP was all like "Yall don't know what happened to eachother. So you can't be bullies."
Ok let me just stop this right there. There is a difference between being a BULLY and being like me. Ok? A BULLY, is somebody that insults innocent people, like me, and tries to destroy every ounce of this person's confidence to where they explode and embarrass themselves in front of a WHOLE CLASSROOM. BULLYING is where you are such an asshole, that they drive you to stand up for yourself and end up getting hurt by somebody 10x their size. BULLYING is where you turn your victims into either a battered housewife or into somebody like me. SOMEBODY LIKE ME is a person who makes smart and funny retorts against a BULLY. SOMEBODY LIKE ME is a person who has to keep explaining to neanderthals, that it IS infact possible a STRAIGHT person can think gays should have rights. SOMEBODY LIKE ME is a person who is sent to the office, detention etc, for doing something to stand up for themselves. SOMEBODY LIKE ME defends innocent people against bullies. SOMEBODY LIKE ME never NEVER makes fun of innocent people. PEOPLE LIKE ME make fun of bullies. Bullies and people like me, are COMPLETE opposites.
I was forced to shake the jerk's hand, and say freaking sorry. I left the room steaming. I literallly went around the other side of the school as not to come in contact with Al Pacino. This was a sad day for people like me.
Later in the day,it turns out Mr. Pacino decided to tell K Fed about this. HIS version. HIS STUPID version. I was walking down the stairs on my way to my next class. For some reason the hallway was empty. As if it were an old western showdown. I hear K Feds blackccent say to me "Mess with my boy again, and you won' be able to mess with another person again." A tumbleweed crossed inbetween us.
Me - *turns around viciously.* Excuse me?"
K Fed - "You heard me bitch."
I actually do call him K Fed. Not just in the blog.
Me - "O.k. You don't know me so I am going to give you one chance to turn around and go the opposite direction."
K Fed - "I ain't scared."
Me - "Listen up K Fed. You have NO right to fuck with me. I have never done anything to you. You do not know the whole story. Even if you did you probably wouldn't even understand it, do to the fact that you have the IQ of Hitler. Your 'BOY' was the one messing with me. He is as big an asshole as your prison record. BACK OFF and goodbye. oh, and by the way K Fed, drop the blackccent. You live in friggin Azle Tx. Not Brooklyn."
K Fed - " Yea well y-"
Me - "Shut up bastard."
He is fricken scary as that Mel Gison audiotape, so I had a mini-seizure when I turned around.
Kevin Constien can you come to school with me so you can be like my bodyguard. I could really use a 6ft tall dude with muscles the size of Alaska on my side the rest if the year.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
oh facebook.
I don't know about you, but I love getting in fights on facebook, through texts, or phone calls. It is really a good time. I took the liberty of posting one of my favorites.
This facebook conversation happened back in september 2010.
Friend 1 - I'm officially deleting Andrew. I am sick of his game posts! Who is with me!
Me - Hahahah I will friend him just to unfriend him!
Friend 1 - That is the way to do it! Woop!
Friend 2 - Not even friends with him!
*now this is where it gets good.*
*insert name here* - Yall need to be nice. He is still a human and has feelings just like yall. I don't like him so don't get any ideas but he is still my friend.
* ok i am sorry but when you have to state "i dont like him" you probably do.*
Me - Omg *name* honestly take a chill pill. Seriously your ridiculous ...and not in a good way...
*insert name here*- and you honestly think i care what you say mark i think not.
Friend 1 - Now *name* ..... Andrew is a jerk this year
Me - *name* you are such a bitch! Really I was Just suggesting you not to take things so seriously and not to be such an effin buzzkill. But if you want to be a bitch to me then ill be one to you!
*Name* - two wrongs dont make a right! and mark i really dont care what you say about me. I guess i grew up and decided to be the bigger person. WWJD
Friend 3 - ohhhhhhhh snapadoodle doo!
Friend 1 - lol
*if she thought i was going to take this lying down, she was surely mistaken.*
Me - What would JESUS do? is that what you said to me? Please don't pull the religious thing on me! Here is what I do.....WWMD....WHAT WOULD MARK DO! You know what i would do? I would say yes you are the bigger person... literally.
P.s. Get a breast reduction surgery. You look tittytarded.
Friend 1 - Omfg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaahaaaa
Friend 3 - Hahahahahahahaahah omg omg omg
Friend 1 - IkIk,, im dying!!!!!!!!!! Tittytrtd haha!
* i just thought of a nickname*
Titty tard - I'm also skinnier then you fatty and your a fag for looking at them. Obviously you like it if your looking at them. ... just saying.
Friend 1 - You tell him.
Titty Tard - I will! Believe me.
Me - OMYLANTA! IM A FAG FOR LOOKING AT BOOBS. HMMMMM OK. o and yea it was mpossible to stop looking. Omg you were so tall and fat that when i sood at arms length toward you, they were hitting me in the eye!! One was always like giving me a black eye and the other was like over your shoulder! Do you know how tramatizing that is? by the a gd carrot you fat homophobe.
Titty Tard - You need to stop talking about yourself like that! it lowers youre self esteem.. oh wait i forgot you dont have one.. and honestly youre the one who could use a salad every once in a while. ill go ahead and call jeny kraig for you.
Me - ......Really..... My self esteem that is what you are going to attack? Owwwwww that really hurts. By the way im using a sarcastic tone,k. And how do I not have any self esteem? Huh?GIVE ME 2 good examples .And by the way those Jenny Craig comercials make the food look delicious so thank you for ordering the food for me.
Friend 1 - :€
Friend 3 - Wow nuggets
*Several. Hours. Later.*
Me - No repsonse? Hmmm I think I won this fight. TALK TO YOU LATA TITTYTARD
Titty Tard - Sorry. i actually have something to work for in my life so i actually care about school. and obviously you have no self esteem if youre just gonna attack me! and there you go again with my boobs... you must really like them...
*what the hell. She is crazy. Did i even say anything about school. She thinks she soooooo SMART! oooooooou she is so big and bad. Rediculous.*
Me - Actually I'm passing everything at school with flying colors. And I was trying to end this conversation because I want the last word you idiot And yes I did say something about yur boobs because they look ridiculous. By the way im more talented then you.
Friend 2 - Happy birthday *name*
OMFG. That is priceless! It was her birthday. Omg this poor woman. hahah! Thats just horrible and funny all at the same time. Just thought this was perfect for FSC.
By the way sorry I haven't been updating latley. I think im gona start making posts on monday and friday and maybe on saturday or sunday! K see yall later!
This facebook conversation happened back in september 2010.
Friend 1 - I'm officially deleting Andrew. I am sick of his game posts! Who is with me!
Me - Hahahah I will friend him just to unfriend him!
Friend 1 - That is the way to do it! Woop!
Friend 2 - Not even friends with him!
*now this is where it gets good.*
*insert name here* - Yall need to be nice. He is still a human and has feelings just like yall. I don't like him so don't get any ideas but he is still my friend.
* ok i am sorry but when you have to state "i dont like him" you probably do.*
Me - Omg *name* honestly take a chill pill. Seriously your ridiculous ...and not in a good way...
*insert name here*- and you honestly think i care what you say mark i think not.
Friend 1 - Now *name* ..... Andrew is a jerk this year
Me - *name* you are such a bitch! Really I was Just suggesting you not to take things so seriously and not to be such an effin buzzkill. But if you want to be a bitch to me then ill be one to you!
*Name* - two wrongs dont make a right! and mark i really dont care what you say about me. I guess i grew up and decided to be the bigger person. WWJD
Friend 3 - ohhhhhhhh snapadoodle doo!
Friend 1 - lol
*if she thought i was going to take this lying down, she was surely mistaken.*
Me - What would JESUS do? is that what you said to me? Please don't pull the religious thing on me! Here is what I do.....WWMD....WHAT WOULD MARK DO! You know what i would do? I would say yes you are the bigger person... literally.
P.s. Get a breast reduction surgery. You look tittytarded.
Friend 1 - Omfg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaahaaaa
Friend 3 - Hahahahahahahaahah omg omg omg
Friend 1 - IkIk,, im dying!!!!!!!!!! Tittytrtd haha!
* i just thought of a nickname*
Titty tard - I'm also skinnier then you fatty and your a fag for looking at them. Obviously you like it if your looking at them. ... just saying.
Friend 1 - You tell him.
Titty Tard - I will! Believe me.
Me - OMYLANTA! IM A FAG FOR LOOKING AT BOOBS. HMMMMM OK. o and yea it was mpossible to stop looking. Omg you were so tall and fat that when i sood at arms length toward you, they were hitting me in the eye!! One was always like giving me a black eye and the other was like over your shoulder! Do you know how tramatizing that is? by the a gd carrot you fat homophobe.
Titty Tard - You need to stop talking about yourself like that! it lowers youre self esteem.. oh wait i forgot you dont have one.. and honestly youre the one who could use a salad every once in a while. ill go ahead and call jeny kraig for you.
Me - ......Really..... My self esteem that is what you are going to attack? Owwwwww that really hurts. By the way im using a sarcastic tone,k. And how do I not have any self esteem? Huh?GIVE ME 2 good examples .And by the way those Jenny Craig comercials make the food look delicious so thank you for ordering the food for me.
Friend 1 - :€
Friend 3 - Wow nuggets
*Several. Hours. Later.*
Me - No repsonse? Hmmm I think I won this fight. TALK TO YOU LATA TITTYTARD
Titty Tard - Sorry. i actually have something to work for in my life so i actually care about school. and obviously you have no self esteem if youre just gonna attack me! and there you go again with my boobs... you must really like them...
*what the hell. She is crazy. Did i even say anything about school. She thinks she soooooo SMART! oooooooou she is so big and bad. Rediculous.*
Me - Actually I'm passing everything at school with flying colors. And I was trying to end this conversation because I want the last word you idiot And yes I did say something about yur boobs because they look ridiculous. By the way im more talented then you.
Friend 2 - Happy birthday *name*
OMFG. That is priceless! It was her birthday. Omg this poor woman. hahah! Thats just horrible and funny all at the same time. Just thought this was perfect for FSC.
By the way sorry I haven't been updating latley. I think im gona start making posts on monday and friday and maybe on saturday or sunday! K see yall later!
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