Wednesday, November 10, 2010

50th blog post amazingness!

Well it's happened. With your help we have done it. 50 posts. I couldn't have done this without you. there is something i would like to say. THANKYOU.

ive realized ive lost touch with my roots. i mean my first blog posts were really good. lately ive hit rock bottom. have u counted all the F bombs? I am SO SORRY. I've realized a really GOOD F bomb comes when you hardly ever use it. when you use it ALL the time, it loses shock value and isnt as special. I recently went to rehab and im BACK. IM YOUNG, SINGLE, AND READY TO MINGLE! So for the next paragraph im going to go back and do the kind of humor I used to do. clean.


If you are a hard-core "mark-addict" then you know how much i dislike him. I recently realized he is in the song "yeah" by Usher. HOLY GOD. he has NO talent whatsoever. he sound like a constipated Gorilla. Behind Usher's smooth nice voice, you will hear "YEARHA YEARHA YEARHA! IM IN ANUSHA SONG BABY! BY THE WAY MY EX-GIRLFRIEND HATES STARBUCKS!" its funny how he tries so hard and fails epically.

I still can not get over how completely horrible he is in that Justin Bieber song "BABY!" Luckily J beebz, for what i know, has listened and stopped any and all contact with him. and look at what has happend. a VMA, he has a book out, and a movie coming out in febuary. I look foward to dropping a single with him and Ke$ha.


One of my teachers, we will call her "mel g", has gotten a little "drunk" lately (allegedly) and went on a rampage targeted towards me.

the reason i think she is a drunk, is i saw her at brookshires, with 2 bottles of wine. lives alone and is divorced, and has i can see crazy in her eye.....hmmmmmm

Mel g gave her class a paper that was called "RANDOM FACTS"(yeah she tries hard) One of the questions was like "hopes and dreams for this school". you were supposed to put five but i could only think of two. i put down Good grades and new friends. she didnt like this and was all up i n my face yelling "FINISH IT" I said I dont know what to put though" "QUIT WHINING BABY!"

whoa... did she just insult me? all of these things just popped in to my head. things like "yea OK boozer. you smell like mel gibson."

i jst said " but i need help." ( i played victim) "OK THENI GUESS YOULL SIGHN THE BOOK! (the book is a nazi way of torchering us that when we sighn it we can like be sent to hell for the day.) i said "no please i just need help!" "OK THEN D SLIP!" was she serious? "what?" "IF YOU HAVE NO HOPES AND DREAMS, THEN YOUR LIFE WILL BE MISERABLE! TO THE OFFICE" who is she to do that! i had nothing to lose so i yelled "I DONT HAVE ANY HOPES AND DREAMS FOR THIS SCHOOL, BECAUSE WHEN YOU NEED HELP, YOU GET SENT TO THE OFFICE!!!!" then i walked to the office.

that was where i gave our little nugget principle, a oscar worthy cry, and he ended up being angry at mel g.

mark - 1
boozer- 0

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