It is the cutest little nugget that I have ever seen. It's low fat nugget, but a nugget nonetheless.
Abiut a week ago we were headed home from inhaling tacos at the local Mexican Inn, when we saw this little cutey in the middle of the road, slowly and pitifully running after some joggers. We originally thought it was a squirrel and then we drove closer. It was the cutest and saddest puppy that I'd ever seen.
That's how I am. I base the cuteness of an animal based upon how upset it looks. This would put any A.S.P.C.A. commercial to shame.
The puppy couldn't have been more than 10 weeks old and it was smaller than one of my forearms. It was as skinny as a bulimic, and mangy. The fur it did have was grayish, black, stiff, and thin. Everything about this little lean cuisine chicken nugget puppy screamed stray. I could practically see his stomach due to his being so skinny.
My sister called for him and he came straight to her. We were in her car so Whitney takes credit for saving him, but I actually am the one who has been taking care of him.
We went over to this guy's house that has a lot of dogs because we thought it might be his. I was sure it wasn't his, and that is was a stray but we thought we should at least try.
So we go drive into this man's driveway and he is on his porch smoking a cigarette, shirtless, with his bitch-tits low swingin'. He waddled over to our car.
"We were driving kinda near your house and we found this little hot mess, and thought it might be yours." we said. "Wha' kine daw is it?"
I was holding the puppy, Lion King style.
Clearly this guy wasn't the sharpest red-neck at the Toby Keith Concert. (F.U.T.K Freedom. Understanding. Tolerance. & Knowledge.)
He said it was probably dumped by it's owner which is what we thought.
We brought it home and because it was night time we put him in the crate with our other dogs.
The noise that came from this little puppies mouth is hard to describe.
Imagine the sound of a dementor sucking the soul out of puppy's body.
You got that?
Now multiply it by 8 billion. I named him Benji because, well I like that name.
I wanted to keep him forever and ever, but yesturday the inevitable happened: We gave him away.
Our air conditioner broke, and one of the guys who was fixing it, asked and we told him the story.
He decided thart he wanted to keep him! This is good for him because he needs to be an inside dog and we just couldn't have him as one. When I thought all hope of keeping Benji was lost, a slimmer of hope came...
Benji threw up.
The first thing in my mind? "I CAN KEEP HIM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!"
I didn't think the guy would still keep him, but he did.
I hugged Benji goodbye like he was being taken to Heaven by Jesus himself. I made it clear to the air guy, that if he did not keep Benji's name "Benji" then I would hunt him down, steal his identity, and buy a Ferrari on the internet.
Here is a picture of Benji